Trinity Baptist Church

Join us Every Sunday
In Person at 9:30 am & 11:00 am
Facebook at 11:00 am

10000 Spring Green Blvd.
Katy TX 77494

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (281)-579-6724
Home – Location & Time

Location & Time

Join us on Sundays at 9:30 AM & 11:00 AM

We offer Bible Study and Worship during both hours.

Our desire is that your family’s heart would be woven into the fabric of the heart of our Lord and the life of Trinity Baptist Church. Getting to know each other is one of the main purposes of being a church that follows the Lord Jesus Christ. Eugene Peterson translates Colossians 2:2 like this when the apostle Paul writes to the church at Colossians, “I want you woven into a tapestry of love…” Why? So that we can know each other and encourage each other now to get us ready for the the day when “…we shall see Him face to face. Now, I know in part, then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known” (1 Corinthians 13:12). We are looking forward to that day, to this day, and all the days in between!

Pastor Josh Guajardo


Worship Services

  • Trinity Baptist Church of Katy offers two identical worship services that are relevant and biblically based at 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM.
  • We value families worshipping together! All children Kindergarten and up are invited to attend our worship services for a family worship time.
  • Trinity offers church service in spanish! Spanish translation is available during our 11:00 am worship service. Podras escuchar la traduccion en vivo de nuestro servicio en el servicio de adoracion de las 11:00 am. The esperamos!
  • For younger children still learning to worship with the family we offer a program called Wee Worship which is an age-appropriate worship experience during the sermon time for children in Kindergarten through 2nd grade.

Wee Worship

We value family worship at Trinity. Wee Worship is for children Kinder-3rd grade who are learning to worship with their families. During our 9:30 am family worship service, just before the sermon, our caring leaders and Wee Worship students step out for an age appropriate lesson just for them with an emphasis on what worship is and how we worship together. Children return to their families in worship before the end of the service. This is offered in the fall and spring.


Worship Streaming Live to Facebook Every Sunday at 11 AM

If you need help finding our live streams or navigating facebook, please do not hesitate to contact us. We do not want you to miss out! If you are having problems viewing our videos while they are live, they will remain online for viewing after streaming.
Contact Us Here For Technical Assistance


Sunday Morning Bible Study

We offer age appropriate Bible Study classes every Sunday at 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM for all ages birth through adult.


Adult Bible Studies

Each of our Sunday Morning Bible Study classes at Trinity follow in depth, Biblically-based studies with scriptural references. Join us for a morning of fellowship, prayer, and growth. Come on by to find out what our current studies are!

9:30 AM

College & Career | rm.101 | led by Dan & Amy Withers
Bellas Palabras de Vida | rm.103 | led by Rosa Kruse
One Spirit | rm.110 | led by Dan Beckley
New Class | rm. 116 | led by Jason Everage

11:00 AM

Bereans | rm.103 | led by Steve Hartzell
Just As I Am | rm.110 | led by John Adams
United | rm.116 | led by Doug Graves


Students (Grades 7-12)

  • Students meet in the student center at Trinity Baptist on Sundays at 9:30 & 11:00 am.
  • The 9:30 hour is a smaller, more intimate co-ed group of all ages.
  • Our 11:00 am Bible study divided into small groups.
  • Visit our Student Ministry page to learn more

Early Childhood & Children’s Bible Studies

If your child is in 6th grade or under, you will be able to check them in at our check-in counter in the Early Childhood wing on Sunday morning



Sunday Evening Discipleship

Didn’t get enough at church on Sunday morning? Come back and be fed again! During Sunday Evening Discipleship our goal at Trinity Baptist Church of Katy is to encourage one another as we learn to be like Jesus. Join us in time of fellowship and in-depth study to end the weekend on a good note.

Meeting from 4:30 – 6:00 pm, Sunday Evening Discipleship at Trinity Baptist Church Katy, TX has classes for all ages.