Trinity Baptist Church

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Home – Mothers Of Preschoolers

Mothers Of Preschoolers

Welcome to The MomCo by MOPS at Trinity.

MOPS at Trinity Baptist Church in Katy is for you if you are a mother of preschool-age kids.

We are happy you’re here!

At The MomCo we believe that life and especially mothering is best done in community.

You are welcome here.

Are you asking “where is a MomCo group near me?” Trinity Baptist has a local chapter of MomCo International. MomCo believes that remarkable things happen when moms come together and share life.  We become more; brave, kind, honest and equipped, one gathering at a time. Whether you are a first-time mom or seventh-time mom, an adoptive mom, foster mom or any other kind of mom; you are welcome here with the other mothers of preschoolers.

We meet at the church two Fridays per month at 9:30am. We also enjoy sporadic playdates, mother’s night out and various other activities with and without our kiddos.

MomCo Kids is where MomCo leaders get to hang out with your kids while you enjoy your mom time at MomCo Katy.  At MomCo Kids your child will be safe and have a good time in a Christ-centered and age-appropriate environment.  MomCo childcare is for kids ages 0-5 and is free at Trinity, but space is limited!  Based on need, MomCo Kids also provides a program for Homeschooled siblings.

Find out more about Trinity ministries, or contact our staff!

Fall Semester 2024

Please click on the link to contact us about our remaining spots for the fall .

Click here

What is The MomCo?

The MomCo is short for the Mom Community.

MomCo is a non-profit organization that encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus and in partnership with the local church.

MomCo — then, simply known as MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)—was founded in 1973 when seven women in Colorado invited moms to meet regularly to grow together as women, parents, and leaders, with the ultimate goal of reaching women with the hope of Jesus.

Today, the small gathering they called MomCo now extends to 101+ countries, 25 languages, 72,000+ meetings a year and influences over a million moms annually.

Want to know more about The MomCo or find your local MomCo?

Click here

Feel free contact the email below for more information. You may also contact our Early Childhood Ministry Director, Anne-Marie Helmer, for more information about MOPS Kids / KidCo.

[email protected]

Where we meet

Trinity Baptist has a local chapter of MomCo International formally known as MOPS International.

No matter the way or the stage in life that your children have come to you, we welcome Mothers of young children (birth through kindergarten) to join our meetings.

Our meetings are held twice a month on Friday mornings at 9:30am. Dates TBD and is based off the Katy/Lamar ISD calendar.

What is a MomCo meeting like?

Table Time: At our meetings we hold discussion in an intimate and accepting environment in the form of small group tables which are lead by our mentor moms and table hosts. This offers moms a chance to share their highs and lows of their week in a supportive and friendly atmosphere. We ask questions, share concerns and have time to connect and pray if desired. During this time when we have the space and the bravery to be vulnerable we often realize that we are not alone and friendship is formed.

Teaching: Topics and activities vary with each  meeting. Friendship are try to offer a mixed bag of topics that center on celebrating the ministry of motherhood and attempt to meet your unique needs as a mother during this difficult and often lonely season of life.

Creative Activities: Occasionally at our MomCo meetings we embrace our creativity with crafty projects. Our moms are encouraged to enjoy the experience of being creative and having a sense of accomplishment after a finished craft.

KidsCo: At our MomCo meetings children that have been registered will be cared for in a preschool like environment by our loving childcare team, KidCo at Trinity. Childcare is available from birth through kindergarten. The MomCo at Trinity also provides a homeschool classroom for our growing homeschooling families.

Fall 2024 – Wild Hope

This year at MomCo we will be exploring the theme of wild hope within our motherhood and with our walk with Jesus. The tenants of our year will be focused on

Surprising things happen when we live life in community. As it states in our versus for the year “see I am doing a new thing”, may this “new thing” that Isaiah speaks of awaken a wild hope within you as you walk your journey of motherhood and grow closer to Jesus.

With the support of the women that Jesus has placed around us, we will uplift one another as we build a community of moms raising up the next generation.

Come join us as we journey with Jesus and each other in building our endurance in motherhood and embracing the wild hope that Jesus places in our hearts.

We can’t wait to see you this fall!