Trinity Baptist Church

Join us Every Sunday
In Person at 9:30 am & 11:00 am
Facebook at 11:00 am

10000 Spring Green Blvd.
Katy TX 77494

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (281)-579-6724
Home – College And Career Ministry

College And Career Ministry


College and Career  Bible Study Sundays at 9:30 am


Are you looking for a College-Age Bible Study? Trinity Baptist Church College and Career Bible Study Ministry meets every Sunday morning in room 101. The College and Career Bible Study Ministry have a set curriculum committed to biblical study and instruction. We encourage you to bring your Bible and we also have a supply of them to share if you need one.

College and Career Bible Study Sunday Evening Discipleship 6-8 pm

The College and Career Young Adults group meets on select Sunday evenings, usually every other Sunday, from 6-8 pm for dinner & discussion. We provide a free dinner as we fellowship for the first hour. Then, we watch, read, and discuss the Bible Study Plan as a group. We always complete each study period (about 6 weeks) with a game night. Our favorite games include Empire, LINKEE, Codenames, and Super Smash Brothers. Please email us for the location in Katy.

Annual Lake Retreat

Join us for our yearly College and Career Bible Study Young Adults Retreat! Our Lake Retreat is a weekend away from Katy at Lake Livingston for fun, fellowship, food, and fast boats! It is a two-night stay in a lake house where we continue our study with dinner & discussion and play on the lake.

Fellowship Events

Our College & Career Young Adults Class at Trinity Baptist Katy loves to hang out together outside of church and have nights of fellowship. Fellowship events in the past include Astros Baseball Games, Passion Pop-up Worship Events, Antiques Week in Round Top, Pumpkin Carving, Volleyball, and Movies at the Theater. Our new addition to College and Career Bible Study Group in Katy is the One Night Program. One Night launched this summer at Trinity Baptist, and we were so excited to see all the young adults who came to fellowship! The night includes food, a speaker, and a time of worship music! Follow us on Instagram @tbckaty_collegeandcareer.

Please join us and fill out our connection card here! We look forward to seeing you soon! If you have any questions please contact us below for any questions or information.

Trinity Baptist Church 10000 Spring Green Blvd. Katy, Texas 77494